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UK49saalotto and Greece lotto blog is primarily in use to help out with the selection of balls to be drawn in the next lotto draws.
The UK49 is a twice daily lotto draw and the draws take place at lunchtime and tea time. Six balls are drawn out of a possible 49 balls. Each ball is color coded. The first set of balls are colored Green followed by Red, Orange ,Yellow Brown, Purple and blue The seventh ball drawn is the bonus ball called Jolly.
Green Balls - are 1-8-15-22-29-36 and 43
Red balls 2-9-16-23-30-37- and 44
Orange 3-10-17-24-31-38 and 45
Yellow 4-11-18-25-32-39 and 46
Brown 5-12-17-26-33-40-and 47
Purple 6-13-20-27-34-41 and 48
Blue 7-14-21-28-35-42 and 49
Bets can be place on a single number or doubles (two numbers), triple (three numbers) a quad (four numbers.
Bets can also be placed on the bonus ball number or bonus ball color
The South African lotto and lotto plus draws take place on a Wednesday evening and a Saturday evening. Just after the lotto draw, the lotto plus draw takes.
On a Tuesday evening and Friday evening the South African Power ball and Power ball plus take
The Greece Joke is similar to the SA POwerball draw and takes place on a Thursday and Sunday evenings.
The Greece lotto draw takes place on a Wednesday and Saturday..
In future posts we will look into various other options that become available by the various betting houses, shops and agencies
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