Friday, 28 October 2016

Feedback on the Bonus Ball color

Just a little feedback on the theory

The appearance of third selection Purple appeared yesterday and today the second selection appeared. 

So now we wait for the main one and that is the Yellow ball.

It took longer than the six spins that was needed for at least one of the three to appear. This time around the exercise was a little costly.

I do however have great faith in this theory.

With patience the theory can bring in a small income
With this selection process I am also looking at the appearance of the first ball color to be drawn and the appearance of two balls from the same ball set.

Bonus Ball Color Exercise

The Yellow bonus ball color set has a current delay of 26 spins(draws) or since they last appeared. Its longest (historical) delay previously was 50 draws.

The Blue bonus ball color set last appeared 8 spins ago and the Orange one 4 draws ago.
We can look at the Yellow and Blue .

If anyone needs a further explanation you may email .me

R E S U L T S 

The Blue Bonus ball arrived this evening.

Now we await the Yellow Bonus ball set


  1. Whatbis a bonus ball for everning

  2. What about a bonus ball for evening

  3. Very interesting just learning it's so hard to win but l found this this Very interesting
