Friday, 28 October 2016

Feedback on the Bonus Ball color

Just a little feedback on the theory

The appearance of third selection Purple appeared yesterday and today the second selection appeared. 

So now we wait for the main one and that is the Yellow ball.

It took longer than the six spins that was needed for at least one of the three to appear. This time around the exercise was a little costly.

I do however have great faith in this theory.

With patience the theory can bring in a small income
With this selection process I am also looking at the appearance of the first ball color to be drawn and the appearance of two balls from the same ball set.

Bonus Ball Color Exercise

The Yellow bonus ball color set has a current delay of 26 spins(draws) or since they last appeared. Its longest (historical) delay previously was 50 draws.

The Blue bonus ball color set last appeared 8 spins ago and the Orange one 4 draws ago.
We can look at the Yellow and Blue .

If anyone needs a further explanation you may email .me

R E S U L T S 

The Blue Bonus ball arrived this evening.

Now we await the Yellow Bonus ball set

Monday, 24 October 2016

Feedback on Uk49 Bonus Ball Color Strategy

Our strategy come to light this evening with the Brown bonus ball appearing during the draw.

Brown ball number 26 made its appearance .and the series is now closed.

We will be working on the next strategy that will be posted soon.

Uk49saalotto andGreece Lotto 

Sunday, 23 October 2016

 UK49s Bonus Ball Color Theory

We will shortly be looking at some in depth analysis of the Bonus Ball color method for future predictions of the Bonus ball color.

Currently there are seven sets of colours i made up of seven balls each:-
Green comprises of the ball numbers 1-8-15-22-29-36-43
Red comprises of the ball numbers 2-9-16-23-30-37-44
Orange comprises of the ball numbers 3-10-17-24-31-38-45

Yellow comprises of the ball numbers 4-11-18-25-32-39-46
Brown comprises of the ball numbers 5-12-19-26-33-40-47
Purple comprises of the ball numbers 6-13-20-27-34-41-48
Blue comprises of the ball numbers 7-14-21-24-35-42-49

We will be analyzing the current delays of the set of numbers that have not appear and the possibility that when it may occur.

Current the Brown bonus has a current delay of 17 spins since its last appearance. Its historical delay was 47 spins.
Its followed by the yellow bonus ball color set that has a current delay of 15 spins since it last appeared . Its historical delay was 50 spins

The third set is the Blue bonus ball that has a current delay of 13 spins and a historical delay of 40 spins.

The strategy to follow is either to play the first two or first three sets of colors for a series of six spins.
As an example 5 units will be placed on Brown followed three units on Yellow and 1 unit on the Blue set.

Play for six spins . The important thing to remember that this method should be played small and cautiously and would be an interesting start for a beginner investing in the UK49s lotto

Trust that you would find this interesting and enjoyable 

Monday, 17 October 2016


I together with the help of my mentor are working on a strategy for the bonus ball colori and from the test carried out thus far is looking to be a nice small bet to follow.

I will be shortly be posting selections with explanations and probably also a small betting strategy to follow.

Not all betting houses and shops offer this bet which is 5.5 to 1.

The alternative will be to wager on each color ball of the selected colour or if required colours.

If the selection is strong we will go for the bonus ball colour and if not strong will select two colours.

The strategy will be to play the selection or selections for four to six spins.

For example today purple came in for the tea time draw, and possibly the selection for tomorrow will be to follow Brown and Red.

Wait for my posting. I am working out some stats.

One would also need a small bank in order to place the bets.
Keep watching out for the selections and strategies.

Please feel feel to drop in with any comment which will most highly be appreciated .

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Welcome to our posts here on Blogger.

UK49saalotto and Greece lotto blog is primarily in use to help out with the selection of balls to be drawn in the next lotto draws.

The UK49 is a twice daily lotto draw and the draws take place at lunchtime and tea time. Six balls are drawn out of a possible 49 balls. Each ball is color coded. The first set of balls are colored Green followed by Red, Orange ,Yellow Brown, Purple and blue The seventh ball drawn is the bonus ball called Jolly.

Green Balls - are  1-8-15-22-29-36 and 43
Red balls               2-9-16-23-30-37- and 44
Orange                   3-10-17-24-31-38 and 45
Yellow                   4-11-18-25-32-39 and 46
Brown                   5-12-17-26-33-40-and 47
Purple                   6-13-20-27-34-41 and 48
Blue                      7-14-21-28-35-42 and 49

Bets can be place on a single number or doubles (two numbers), triple (three numbers) a quad (four numbers.

Bets can also be placed on the bonus ball number or bonus ball color

The South African lotto and lotto plus draws take place on a Wednesday evening and a Saturday evening. Just after the lotto draw, the lotto plus draw takes.

On a Tuesday evening and Friday evening the South African Power ball and Power ball plus take

The Greece Joke is similar to the SA POwerball draw and takes place on a Thursday and Sunday evenings.

The Greece lotto draw takes place on a Wednesday and Saturday..

In future posts we will look into various other options that become available by the various betting houses, shops and agencies